Home » Assembly Manual » Cybertruck » 20.-25.: Build the skateboard » 23. Build the Skateboard: Front

23. Build the Skateboard: Front





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In this Chapter we will assembly the parts, which were printed in the “11. 3D Print the Skateboard parts: Front”!

Pressing information!

In this chapter you will need to pres some parts onto an another parts. You can found here some general information about these process:

  1. Usually, with correct 3D Printer calibration/settings the pressing can make with your hand.
  2. If the pressing can’t make with hand, use a Vise, or Hand Vise with our Pressing tools to press the parts together.
  3. You will found information in the assembly manual, that in which step, which Tool have to use and how.

4. If there is a gap between the pressed parts, you can increase the Flow [%] on your printer.

5. If it is too hard to press the parts together, you can decrease the Flow [%] on your printer.

Step 1: Motor fan (Optional)

For the following step, please prepare:

Motor fan (1x)
M3 Square Nut (2x)
M3x14 Cylinder head Screw (2x)


Put two M3 Square Nut in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT () slot
Put the Motor fan in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT () slot
Tighten the Motor fan with two M3x14 Cylinder head Screw

You can use the Cybertruck RC even without fan, but you could see heating issues after heavy, long runs around the motor.

Step 2: Motor assembly

For the following step, please prepare:

Motor assembly (1x) – Assemblyed in the Chapter 21
M3 Hexagon Nut (2x)
M3x6 Screw (4x)
M3x20 Screw (2x)


Put two M3 Hexagon nut in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT ()
Insert the Motor assembly in position.
Tighten the Motor assembly with four M3x6 Screw from down side.
Tighten the Motor assembly with two M3x20 Screw from up side

Check that the Motor assembly’s () bearing is in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT bearing slot. If not, you need more pressing: Check Chapter 21 / Step 3!

Step 3: Lower Control Arm

For the following step, please prepare:

M3 Square Nut (2x)
M3x10 Screw (2x)
D3x50 mm Shaft (2x)
Ball Head (2x)


Press one-one ball head in the left and right front lower control arms
Place the Left SK_FRONT_LOWER_CONTROL_ARM into the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT () cutout and press the D3x50 mm Shaft () thru the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT hole and thru the Left SK_FRONT_LOWER_CONTROL_ARM (), until you can.
Place the Left SK_FRONT_LOWER_CONTROL_ARM into the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT () cutout and press the D3x50 mm Shaft () thru the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT hole and thru the Left SK_FRONT_LOWER_CONTROL_ARM (), until you can.
Insert two M3 Square Nut into the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT () slots. If the D3x50 mm shaft block the slot, you have to press the shaft more forward!
Tighten with two M3x10 Screw the lower control arms shaft

Press the D3x50 mm shaft until you can within reasonable limits. From down side you can see in a small cutout that the shaft is in the final position, or not.

Step 4: Servo gear assembly

For the following step, please prepare:

Servo (1x)
Round Servo Horn (1x)
M3x8 Screw (4x)
M3x12 Screw (1x)


Tighten with four M3x8 Screws the SK_STEERING_PINION () to the “Round Servo Horn”()
Tighten with one M3x12 Screws the above mentioned parts to the Servo (), the Round Servo Horn () should slide without resistance on the Servo ()!

The Round Servo Horn () should slide without resistance on the Servo ()!
According our experience unfortunately some suppliers parts has a tolerance issue on the Round Servo Horn. In that case the pressing to the servos is risky, you can damage your servo!
Try to not rotate the Servo from the default center position during assembly, because when it will turn on, it will go in the factory center position and it has to readjust with the Remote controller, or with a small disassemble/reassamble to set the center for the steering!

Step 5: Servo assembly

For the following step, please prepare:

Servo assembly (1x)
M4 Hexagon Nut (2x)
M4x12 Cylinder Head Screw (2x)


Insert the SK_STEERING_RACK into the SK_REAR_GIGA_PRINT (), make sure that it is in center position!
Insert two M4 Hexagon nut in the SK_REAR_GIGA_PRINT () from two sides
Place the Servo assembly in the SK_REAR_GIGA_PRINT () from top
Fix the Servo assembly with two M4x12 Cylinder Head Screw into the SK_REAR_GIGA_PRINT ()

Try to not rotate the Servo from the default center position during assembly, because when it will turn on, it will go in the factory center position and it has to readjust with the Remote controller, or with a small disassemble/reassamble to set the center for the steering!

Step 6: Front LED assembly

For the following step, please prepare:

Front LED (1x)
M3 Square Nut (2x)
M3x10 Screw (2x)


Insert two M3 Square Nut into the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT ()
Tighten the SK_FRONT_LED_HOLDER with two M3x10 Screws ()
Snap in the Front let into the SK_FRONT_LED_HOLDER ()

Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts.

Step 7: Insert the gears

For the following step, please prepare:

Differential assembly (1x) – Assemblyed in the Chapter 21
SK_Gear_2 and SK_Gear_3 assembly (1x) – Assemblyed in the Chapter 21


Place the SK_Gear_2 and SK_Gear_3 assembly in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT ()
Place the Differential assembly in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT ()

Check that all bearings are in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT bearing slots. If not, you need more pressing: See the Chapter 21 for more details.

Step 8: Upper control arm / 1

For the following step, please prepare:

,⬢ SK_FRONT_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM (1x Left – 1x Right)
Ball head (2x)
D3x50 mm Shaft (2x)


Press one-one SK_ENDSTOPPER in the one-one SK_REAR_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM (,⬢), use Vise/Hand Vise
Press one-one Ball head in the left – right SK_REAR_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM (), use Vise/Hand Vise
Position the left SK_REAR_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM according the images and press through the D3x50 mm Shaft (). Check the left SK_REAR_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM () orientation!
Position the right SK_REAR_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM according the images and press through the D3x50 mm Shaft (). Check the right SK_REAR_UPPER_CONTROL_ARM () orientation!

Be careful during the D3x50 mm shaft pressing to not brake the upper control arm!

Step 9: Upper control arm / 2

For the following step, please prepare:

M3 Square Nut (6x)
M3x10 Screw (2x)


Insert one-one M3 Square nut in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT_COVER ()
Tighten with one-one M3x10 Screw the D3x 500 mm Shafts

Tighten carefully as you can deform, or brake the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT_COVER part during the tightening!

Step 10: Front Giga Print Cover

For the following step, please prepare:

M3 Hexagon Nut (4x)
M3 Square Nut (2x)


Insert two M3 Square nut in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT ()
Insert four M3 Hexagon nut in the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT_COVER ()

Make sure that the M3 Square Nuts go in the slot final, end position

Step 11: Cable management

For the following step, please prepare:

Motor Fan cable (1x)
Motor Cables (1x red, 1x black)
Front LED Light Cable (1x)
Servo cable (2x)


Make sure that the Motor fan cable go trough the Cable management hole
Make sure that the Motor Cables (1x red, 1x black) go trough the Cable management hole
With your finger press in the LED cables into the cable guides. Don’t use sharp tools, which can cut the cable outside protection during this process.
Move the LED cable through the Cable management hole. If it would be too hard, remove the “SK_REAR_GIGA_PRINT_COVER” for that.
With your finger press in the servo cables into the cable guides. Don’t use sharp tools, which can cut the cable outside protection during this process.
Move the servo cable through the Cable management hole. If it would be too hard, remove the “SK_REAR_GIGA_PRINT_COVER” for that.

Note: The picture currently shows more than what corresponds to the current Step 11. Pay attention only to the cable routing!

; ; ;: Remember which cables connected to the motor, motor fan, Servo and for LED. Mark it with some paper on the cable, or memorize it! You will need this information later on!

Step 12: Front Giga Print Cover

For the following step, please prepare:

M3x30 Screw (4x)


Tighten four M3x30 Screw into the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT ()

Tighten carefully as you can deform the SK_FRONT_GIGA_PRINT_COVER and your motor shaft, which cause to block your complete drivetrain!

Step 13: Wheel Hub insert (for 4WD)

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Wheel_Hub (1x)
Diff Drive Cup (1x)

Tool_4 (1x)


Press into the SK_Wheel_Hub the Diff Drive Cup (). Make sure that the flat surfaces match to each other!
, Use Tool_3 () and Tool_4 () for pressing

This step need if you build a four wheel drive version (4WD)! If you want a rear wheel drive version (RWD), you can skip this step!

Make sure that the flat surfaces match to each other!

Between the Diff Drive Cup () and SK_Wheel_Hub () you need
press fit connection. If it is loose, than reprint the SK_Wheel_Hub () with higher flow rate on your 3D Printer, or Scale it up with 1%.

2x Repeat this step for 4WD build!

Step 14: Wheel Hub Nuts

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Wheel_Hub (1x)
M2 Hexagon Nut (5x)


Insert five M2 Hexagon Nut into the SK_Wheel_Hub (). Make sure that you press the Nuts in the correct orientation!

Press parts until you can, don’t leave gap between the SK_DIFF_HOUSE_3 and bearing.

2x Repeat this step!

Step 15: Front Hub Carrier / 1

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Wheel_Hub (1x)
61702 (also known as 6702) Ball bearing, d15xD21xb4 mm size (2x)
SK_Hub_Spacer_2 (1x) – The smaller diameter spacer!
SK_Hub_Spacer_3 (1x) The bigger diameter spacer!
SK_Front_Hub_Carrier (1x) – Links
Tool_2 (1x)


Press one 61702 Ball Bearing onto the SK_Wheel_Hub ()
Press the SK_Hub_Spacer_2 onto the SK_Wheel_Hub ()
Press the SK_Hub_Spacer_3 onto the SK_Wheel_Hub ()
Press the SK_Wheel_Hub into the SK_Rear_Hub_Carrier ()
Use Tool_2 for the pressing, like it is shown on the images

Make sure you use the correct spacer and press the parts completely! Let’s check the Cross Section to understand the design!

Step 16: Front Hub Carrier / 2

For the following step, please prepare:

M3 Square Nut (4x)
SK_Front_Hub_Carrier (1x)
M3x8 Screw (4x)
M3x6 Screw (1x)
SK_Brake_Disc (1x) – Left One
SK_Brake_Caliper (1x)


Press the M3 Square Nuts (4x) into the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier ()
Fix the left SK_Brake_Disc (Marked with “L”) to the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier () with four M3x8 Screws ()
Fix the SK_Brake_Caliper to the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier () with M3x6 Screw ()

The M3x6 screw is go in printed plastic, so don’t use excessive strength during tightening, or the thread in the printed part will damage

Step 17: Front Hub Carrier / 3

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Front_Hub_Carrier (1x)
Ball head (2x)
D3 x 22 mm Shaft
SK_Steering_rod (1x) – Left


Insert two Ball Head into the Left SK_Steering_Rod (), Use two the pressing tol back sides, if it is need for pressing. Check the plastic part was not broke / damaged during the pressing and the ball head can rotate free
Insert the D3 x 22 mm Shaft into the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier () and into the Left SK_Steering_Rod () correct Ball head! Let’s check on the plastic part the Arrow and the “L” markings location / position!

Make sure you press the D3 x 22 mm Shaft until the end surface!

Step 18: Front Hub Carrier / 4

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Front_Hub_Carrier (1x) – Left
M3 Square Nut (3x)
M3x5 Hex socket set screw with cup point (1x)
Thread locker


Insert three M3 Square Nut into the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier ()
Place on the M3x5 Hex socket set screw a small amount of Thread locker
Insert one Hex socket set screw with cup point into the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier ()
Stop the tightening at the smallest resistance increase or the Rear Hub carrier part will brake and you need to disassemble and reprint it! We are series, this step is critical. We only need to make sure, that the rod can’t move up! If the Rod pressing was tight in the previously step, you can also skip the Hex socket set screw!

Be extra careful during the M3x5 Hex socket set screw tightening!

Step 19: Front Hub Carrier / 5

For the following step, please prepare:

M3x12 Screw (3x)
SK_Front_Hub_Carrier (1x) – Left
M3 Square Nut (1x)
Driveshaft Dogbone – fow 4WD version only!
Thread locker


Insert the Driveshaft Dogbone into the two Diff Drive Cup, if you build a four wheel drive version RC! If you build a Rear Wheel drive version, you don’t need this part here!
Place on the M3x12 screw a small amount of Thread locker (2x)
Fix the SK_Front_Hub_Carrier with one-one M3x12 Screw () from top and one from the button ()
Place on the M3x12 screw a small amount of Thread locker (1x)
Fix the SK_Steering_rod free end to the SK_STEERING_RACK () with one M3x12 Screw ()

The Driveshaft Dogbone () only need if you build a four wheel drive version (4WD)! If you want a rear wheel drive version (RWD), you can skip this part!

Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts. Don’t forget to use a thread locker () on the M3x12 Screws () (3x)

Step 20: Shock absorber adjustment

Prepare 2x shock absorbers, which was prepared earlier in the Chapter 22 / Step 21-A and Chapter 22 / Step 21-B!

Step 21: Shock absorber assembly

For the following step, please prepare:

M3 Hexagon Nut (1x)
M3 Square Nut (1x)
M3x14 Cylinder Head Screw (1x)
M3x30 Cylinder Head Screw (1x)
Shock absorber (1x)


, : Fix the bottom of the Shock absorber () with the M3 Hexagon nut () and with the M3x25 Cylinder Head screw ()
, : Fix the top of the Shock absorber () with the M3 Square nut () and with the M3x14 Cylinder Head screw ()

Make sure that you don’t tight too match the screws, specially the top one, or the plastic part could brake!

Step 22: Right Front Suspension

For the following step, please prepare:

Right Front Suspension (1x)


: Repeat the steps from Step 13 to Step 22, just for the Right Suspension!
Check the “R” Markings on the plastic parts!

Go back to the Step 13 and repeat the steps for the right rear suspension!

Step 23: Spacer for wheel

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_HUB_Spacer_1 (1x)


: Insert one-one SK_HUB_Spacer_1 onto the wheel hub. Make sure you don’t press in the complete Hub during the preccess!

The Hub center part, where you will mount the Wheel in the next step should stay in position

Step 24: Wheel Installation

For the following step, please prepare:

Wheel with Screws and Washers from Chapter 20. (2x)


: Press the Wheels on the hub and fix it with Wheel Screws/ washers.
Make sure that you tight the five Screw equally! Rotate the wheels with your hand 1-2 turn, and check the wheels for Circular runout.
Tight / loose the screws until the Circular runout is very minor/not existing.

If you skip this step, your wheel will woobling. The suspension will have extra load and your suspension could break and the RC car control will be very difficult!

Tight the Wheel Screws equally!

Step 25: Bumper Installation

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Front_Bumper (1x)
M3 Square Nut (2x)
M3x10 Screw (2x)


: Place in the pockets one-one M3 Square Nut
: Tight the SK_FRONT_Bumper with two M3x10 Screws ()

Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts.

5 responses to “23. Build the Skateboard: Front”

  1. Step 23 is easier to perform immediately after step 16. Otherwise much chance of breaking something if some pressure needs to be applied.

  2. The designed parts are exceptional, as is the detailed instructions. The only issue I had was that I broke a few wheel hubs when tightening down the wheels. This was more so user-error (obviously on my part), but I felt it might be wise to switch to brass inserts.
    If anyone is running into the same issue, I took some screenshots and pictures and uploaded them here: https://imgur.com/a/orwZWk2

    • Well, you put lot of effort to fine tuning it and document it, It look’s good and definitely worth to consider this metal insert version 🙂
      We only brake this part one time, when we overtight it and the screw touched the part’s bottom surface and “brake the layer”. Nominal should space below the Wheel’s M2 screw 🙂

      On lot of 3D printed RC projects only one central screw/nut is used for wheel fixing, which would be match easier, but this solution is closer to the real design, therefore we choose this direction.

      • Yep, that’s the same reason I broke mine (too long of M2 screw). But it broke surprisingly easy (or maybe I just didn’t realize how much force I was putting on it). In either case, I felt like having that kind of force on a single layer (especially considering the cross section of that layer, given the hex nuts) would come back to bite me in my butt if the vehicle were to go over a few too many jumps/ramps.

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