Home » Assembly Manual » Cybertruck » 20.-25.: Build the skateboard » 20. Build the Skateboard: Wheel

20. Build the Skateboard: Wheel





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In this Chapter we will assembly the parts, which were printed in the “13. 3D Print the Skateboard parts: Wheel”

4x: We need 4 pieces Wheel for the Cybertruck, so repeat all description steps four times!

Step 1: Wheel Disc

For the following step, please prepare:

Wheel Disc (1x)
M2 Hexagon Nuts (5x)


Insert five Nuts into one Wheel Disc. Check the orientation of the Nuts, make sure you’ve pressed the nut all the way in.

In case if you can’t press the nuts in, don’t use excessive force. First, check that there isn’t any obstacle in the nut trap.

4x Repeat the Sub-steps!

Step 2: Wheel Rim1

For the following step, please prepare:

Wheel Rim1 (1x)
Tyre (1x)


Insert the “Wheel RIM1” in the Tyre;
Make sure that the “Wheel RIM1” completely inside the Tyre;
Prepare the Tyre edge similar to the images (on both side).

: Check your Tyre pattern. If the rotation direction matters, than be carefully during the “SK_Wheel_RIM1” assembly and put it in the correct orientation, considering the next step.

: It is a preparation for the next Steps. The goal: Tyre rubber should not squeezed between the printed parts during the next Step.

4x Repeat the Sub-steps!

Step 3: Wheel assembly/ 1

For the following step, please prepare:

SK_Wheel_DISC (1x)
SK_Wheel_RIM1 with Tyre (1x)
SK_Wheel_RIM2 (1x)

M2x20 Screw(5x)


Hold the “SK_Wheel_RIM1 with Tyre” in your hand;
Position the SK_Wheel_RIM2 to the “SK_Wheel_RIM1 with Tyre” (⬢) with the correct angle orientation and hold it;
Position the SK_Wheel_Disc to the “SK_Wheel_RIM1 with Tyre” (⬢) with the correct angle orientation and hold it;
Secure with M2x20 (5x) screws the “SK_Wheel_RIM2” () to the “SK_Wheel_DISC” (). Tighten evenly and carefully as you might break the printed parts.
Put back the Tyre edge in the Wheel nut

4x Repeat the Sub-steps!

Step 4: Wheel assembly/ 2

For the following step, please prepare:

Wheel with Tyre (1x)

M2x12 screw (5x)
M2 Washers (5x)


Put five washer in the Wheel
Put five M2x12 screw in the Wheel

4x Repeat the Sub-steps!

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