In this Chapter we will assembly the parts, which were printed in the “5. 3D Print the Exoskeleton parts: Front”!
Step 1: Front Light
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ EX_FRONT (1x)
⬢ Press the “EX_FRONT_LIGHT” into the “EX_FRONT” (⬢). Make sure you press it until the end, final position, but not break the thin Light.
Make sure you press the Shaft until the end, final position.

Step 2: Dashboard
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ EX_FRUNK (1x)
⬢ M3x8 (2x)
⬢ Put the “EX_DASHBOARD” to the “EX_FRUNK” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten the two M3x8 screw
The screws are go in printed plastic, so don’t use excessive strength during tightening, or the thread in the printed part will damage.

Step 3: Screen
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ EX_FRUNK (1x)
⬢ EX_SCREEN (1x)
⬢ M3x12 (2x)
⬢ M3 Square nut (2x)
⬢ Put two M3 Square nut into the “EX_SCREEN” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with two M3x12 screw the “EX_SCREEN” (⬢) to the “EX_FRUNK” (⬢)
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts.

Step 4: Yoke Steering Wheel
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ EX_FRUNK (1x)
⬢ M3x16 (1x)
⬢ M3 Square nut (1x)
⬢ Put three M3 Square nut in the “EX_YOKE_STEERING_WHEEL” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with M3x16 screw the “EX_YOKE_STEERING_WHEEL“ (⬢) to the “EX_FRUNK” (⬢)
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts.

Step 5: Fender L
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M3x6 (4x)
⬢ Tighten with four M3x6 screw the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢) to the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_L” (⬢)
The screws are go in printed plastic, so don’t use excessive strength during tightening, or the thread in the printed part will damage.

Step 6: Fender R
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M3x6 (4x)
⬢ Tighten with four M3x6 screw the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_R” (⬢) to the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_R” (⬢)
The screws are go in printed plastic, so don’t use excessive strength during tightening, or the thread in the printed part will damage.

Step 7: Side Fender L
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M2 Hexagon nut (2x)
⬢ M3 Square nut (3x)
⬢ M2x8 (2x)
⬢ EX_HOOD_ARM_1 (1x)
⬢ EX_HOOD_ARM_2 (1x)
⬢ Put two M2 Hexagon nut in the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with M2x8 screw the “EX_HOOD_ARM_1″ (⬢) to the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with M2x8 screw the “EX_HOOD_ARM_2″ (⬢) to the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
⬢ Put three M3 Square nut in the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts

Step 8: Side Fender R
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M2 Hexagon nut (2x)
⬢ M3 Square nut (3x)
⬢ M2x8 (2x)
⬢ EX_HOOD_ARM_1 (1x)
⬢ EX_HOOD_ARM_2 (1x)
⬢ Put two M2 Hexagon nut in the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with M2x8 screw the “EX_HOOD_ARM_1″ (⬢) to the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with M2x8 screw the “EX_HOOD_ARM_2″ (⬢) to the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
⬢ Put three M3 Square nut in the “EX_FENDER_FRONT_L” (⬢)
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts

Step 9: Side Fenders, Dashboard
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M3x10 (4x)
⬢ M3x12 (2x)
⬢ Tighten with two M3x10 Screw the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_L” (⬢) to the “EX_DASHBOARD” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with one M3x12 Screw the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_L” (⬢) to the “EX_DASHBOARD” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with two M3x10 Screw the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_R” (⬢) to the “EX_DASHBOARD” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with one M3x12 Screw the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_R” (⬢) to the “EX_DASHBOARD” (⬢)
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts

Step 10: Front
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ EX_FRONT (1x)
⬢ M3 Square nut (4x)
⬢ M3x6 (2x)
⬢ M3x10 (4x)
⬢ Put four M3 Square nut in the “EX_FRONT” (⬢)
⬢ Tighten with one-one M3x6 Screw the “EX_SIDE_FENDER_L” (⬢) and “EX_SIDE_FENDER_R”
⬢ Tighten four M3x10 Screw
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts

Step 11: Hood 2/1
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M2 Hexagon Nut (4x)
⬢ Put four M2 Hexagon Nut into the Hood (⬢)
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts

Step 12: Hood 2/2
For the following step, please prepare:
⬢ M2x8 Screw (4x)
⬢ Tighten with four M2x8 Screw the Hood(⬢). You should not tighten the screws completely! Make sure the Hood can move with small resistance!
Tighten carefully as you might break the printed parts